This entry will be about the influence of fashion of past times in the English 19th century fashion. The influence of the suits and dresses came from various cultures and different times, but some were used more often like the live colours of the ancient Scottish dresses, the high waist and the straight skirt reminding us of a neoclassical style and voluminous sleeves of the Reneissance. As the decades advanced, fashion took a fancy from one time to another. For example, the typical Greek-roman dress which we have made a reference to was more popular during the first half of the 19th century, on the other hand, during queen Victoria's reign the dresses were interested in following the body's shape and exaggerating it, so in the 60s the blown up skirts from the back and crushed fronts or in the next decade the “princess dresses,” which had the body and the skirt were one whole piece to define the feminine shape.
1. Woman's silk dress with braided stripes. Lined in linen. English, around 1805.